Correctus® - The Natural Way
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The CorrectusMethod

CV Stephan Tomac

Stuttering and dyslexia


For whom?


CorrectusBack is an invention that is patented in the whole world. Wholly new are the specific surfing and screwing micromovements that work together. Through this an optimal relaxation is reached in the spine and the whole body. When vertebrae and discs return to their correct place, e.g. after a compression, the discs gets thicker and the whole spine up to 25 mm longer. See: Bad backs.
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With a daily use of CorrectusBack you attain:
Relaxation of tense and contracted muscles and tendrons.
Right tension of tendrons and muscles
Intervertebral discs and vertebrae gets their normal function/position
The circulation is optimated, nutriment supplied, dross taken away
Movability in the whole spinal column is normalized.

Therefore CorrectusBack can:
Relieve and cure backtroubles with self-treatment
Increase the efficency of already existing methods
Prevent the coming up of backpains
Contribute to the discovery of your natural physical and mental tonus.


Health care
An excellent tool for the enterprise´s health care, as prevention and health care program and as a form of treatment.

It can with advantage be used by disabled and in old age care.

Preventive treatment
Increases the blood circulation and movability in the back and prevents more permanent back troubles.

Curative treatment
(Relief and cure) A complement for physiotherapists, chiropractors, naprapaths, masseurs and other therapeuts. Professional therapeutic treatment in combination with CorrectusBack has been proved to be a very effective method.