Correctus on pained backsBad backs means suffering for the individual and great costs for the society. It´s obvious that the ”production” of bad backs exceeds the collected preventive and curative possibilities to relieve and cure. What is needed is new effective methods with better diagnosis and tools of treatment. What are the common features of the diseases of the back? If we look closely at the descriptions of symtoms for all diseases of the back, with a label or not, we find the following common features: • Contractions• slow circulation• stiffness• displacements and• compressions.
The mental inadequacyPsychic incapacity to meet and handle the everyday situation is the primary cause of most of the diseases of the back, sleeplessness, stress and all other psychosomatic diseased conditions (Se: Dr. Sarno). The Correctus Method and its tool CorrectusBack can remove the components that creates and maintains all psychosomatic diseased states (See The CorrectusMethod). CorrectusBack´s surfing and screwing micromovement effect contractions, stiffness, displacements and compressions, they cease and are replaced by relaxation, which in its turn contribute to better circulation. Without your being streched (with conventional methods), you can be up to 25 mm/1 inch taller after only 15 minutes on CorrectusBack. The total relaxation makes you taller. This is the basis for the CorrectusBack Method. The goal is to achieve a harmonious tonus, both physically and mentally.